JASM final reports

  • JASM (2021). Transformation of the Swiss Energy System for a Net-Zero Greenhouse Gas Emission Society. JASM synthesis report.
  • Bollinger, A. (2020). Energy Supply System Optimization Baden Nord. JASM final report.
  • Guidati, G. A. Marcucci, T. Damartzis, V. Burg, T. Schildhauer, D. Giardini and O. Kröcher (2021). Biomass and Waste Potentials and Conversion Pathways for Energy Use, JASM-Biosweet paper. JASM final report.
  • Guidati, G., A. Marcucci and D. Giardini (2021). Probabilistic Assessment of the Swiss Energy Strategy - Scenario Analysis with the SES-ETH Model. JASM final report.
  • Gupta, R.K., F. Sossan and M. Paolone (2020). PV Generation Hosting Capacity of Medium Voltage Distribution Grids of Switzerland. JASM final report.
  • Li, X., T. Damartzis and F. Maréchal (2020). Decarbonization of Swiss energy systems in 2050: Integrated scenario analysis with the SES-EPFL model. JASM final report.
  • Marcucci, A., E. Panos, G. Guidati, R. Lordan-Perret, I. Schlecht and D. Giardini (2021). JASM Framework and Drivers Definition. JASM final report.
  • Marcucci, A., G. Guidati and D. Giardini (2021). Documentation of the Swiss Energy Scope - ETH model. JASM final report.
  • Panos E., T. Kober, R. Kannan and S. Hirschberg (2020). Long-term energy transformation pathways Integrated scenario analysis with the Swiss TIMES energy systems model. JASM final report.
  • Schlecht, I. and H. Weigt (2020). JASM transmission adequacy assessment. JASM final report.
  • Streicher, K., J. Allan, P. Murray and A. Bollinger (2020). Energy Efficiency from Buildings Retrofitting. JASM final report.
  • Yilmaz S., P. Murray, A. Bollinger and G. Guidati (2020). Hourly Demand Profiles for Space Heating and Electricity. JASM final report.
  • Zuberi, J., X. Li, S.A. Wallerand, F. Maréchal and M. Patel (2020). Energy efficiency in the Industry Sector. JASM final report.
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