Model Description
CESARCombined Energy Simulation and Retrofitting-Tool

  • Class: Building stock model
  • Analytical approach: Bottom-up
  • Purpose:
  • Methodology: Building stock simulation
  • Deterministic
  • Regions: Cities and districts
  • Sectors: Electricity, heat, cooling, domestic hot water
  • Demand sectors: Residential, commercial
  • Generation technologies: Boilers and heating
  • Energy carriers: Electricity, heat
  • Time horizon: One year
  • Time resolution: Hourly
  • Developer: ETHZ & Empa
EhubEhub supports the technical design optimization of decentralized energy systems for districts and neighborhoods

  • Class: District energy systems
  • Analytical approach: Bottom-up
  • Purpose:
  • Methodology: Optimization
  • Deterministic
  • Regions: Districts
  • Sectors: Electricity, heat, gas, (electric mobility)
  • Demand sectors: Residential, commercial, industrial
  • Generation technologies: Decentralized technologies
  • Energy carriers: Electricity, heat, gas
  • Time horizon: One year
  • Time resolution: Hourly
  • Developer: EMPA
ExpanseSpatially-explicit, bottom-up Swiss electricity sector model that investigates cost-optimal and near-optimal solutions

  • Class: Swiss Electricity Sector Model
  • Analytical approach: Bottom-up
  • Purpose: Scenario analysis
  • Methodology: Cost optimization and Modellin
  • Deterministic and Monte Carlo
  • Regions: Switzerland as a whole and 2222 municipalities
  • Sectors: Electricity
  • Demand sectors:
  • Generation technologies:
  • Energy carriers:
  • Time horizon: 2035 and 2050
  • Time resolution:
  • Developer: Renewable Energy Systems, Unigeneva
SESA bottom-up optimization model of the Swiss energy system

  • Class: Swiss Energy System
  • Analytical approach: Bottom-up
  • Purpose: Scenario analysis
  • Methodology: Optimization
  • Deterministic or stochastic
  • Regions: Switzerland
  • Sectors: Heating, electricity, mobility
  • Demand sectors: Households, services, industry, transport (excluding flights)
  • Generation technologies: All
  • Energy carriers: All
  • Time horizon: 2035 and 2050
  • Time resolution: Montly
  • Developer: EPFL
STEMA bottom-up (TIMES) model of the Swiss energy system

  • Class: Swiss Energy System
  • Analytical approach: Bottom-up
  • Purpose: Scenario analysis
  • Methodology: Optimization
  • Deterministic
  • Regions: Switzerland
  • Sectors: Energy
  • Demand sectors:
  • Generation technologies:
  • Energy carriers:
  • Dynamic
  • Time horizon: 2000-2100
  • Time resolution:
  • Developer: Energy Economics Group, PSI
SwissmodSwissmod is a DC load flow electricity market model for Switzerland with particular detail on hydropower

  • Class: Dispatch model
  • Analytical approach: Bottom-up
  • Purpose: Scenario analysis
  • Methodology: Optimization
  • Deterministic
  • Regions: Nodal (substations) in Switzerland
  • Sectors: Electricity
  • Demand sectors: One sector
  • Generation technologies: All
  • Energy carriers: Electricity
  • Time horizon: 2015-2050
  • Time resolution: Hourly
  • Developer: Unibasel
SwissResAn energy efficiency database and model of the Swiss residential sector

  • Class:
  • Analytical approach: Bottom-up
  • Purpose:
  • Methodology: Simulation
  • Deterministic
  • Regions: Switzerland
  • Sectors: Fuel/Heat and electricity
  • Demand sectors:
  • Generation technologies:
  • Energy carriers:
  • Static
  • Time horizon: 2010
  • Time resolution:
  • Developer: Unigeneva

Map of models in JASM
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