JASM events

JASM Final event, 15th of December, 2020
09:00 Introduction Domenico Giardini, ETHZ
09:10 JASM Framework, Drivers and Scenarios Definition Adriana Marcucci, ETHZ
09:15 JASM Resource Harmonization Adriana Marcucci, ETHZ
09:20 PV Generation Hosting Capacity of Medium Voltage Distribution Grids of Switzerland Rahul Gupta, EPFL
09:25 Hourly Demand Profiles for Space Heating and Electricity Selin Yilmaz, U. Geneva and Andrew Bollinger, EMPA
09:30 Energy Efficiency from Buildings Retrofitting Kai Streicher, U. Geneva
09:35 Energy efficiency in the Industry Sector Jibran Zuberi, U. Geneva and Xiang Li, EPFL
09:40 Long-term energy transformation pathways - Integrated scenario analysis with the Swiss TIMES energy systems model Evangelos Panos, PSI
09:45 Decarbonization of Swiss energy systems in 2050: Integrated scenario analysis with the SES-EPFL Model Xiang Li, EPFL
09:50 Probabilistic Assessment of the Swiss Energy Strategy - Scenario Analysis with the SES-ETH Model Gianfranco Guidati, ETHZ
09:55 JASM transmission adequacy assessment Ingmar Schlecht, U. Basel
10:00 Energy Supply System Optimization Baden Nord Andrew Bollinger, EMPA
10:05 Swiss Energy Perspectives Gianfranco Guidati, ETHZ
First national scenario benchmarking workshop, 17th of January, 2019, ETH Zurich

The Joint Activity Scenarios and Modeling (JASM) brings together modelling teams from all eight Swiss Competence Centers for Energy Research to generate and analyse scenarios for the future Swiss energy system. JASM exploits and combines the capabilities of the different models to analyse the objectives of the Swiss Energy strategy: to reduce GHG emissions while phasing-out nuclear power plants. We aim at an improved understanding of future configurations of the energy system that allow to reach near-zero emissions in 2050, the transitional measures required to get there (e.g. policies and technologies), and the impact on economy and society.

The scope of the workshop is to present and discuss first results of the overarching scenarios with the research community and representatives from industry and politics, and to get valuable feedback to shape the second half of the JASM project.

10:00 Registration and coffee
10:15 Welcome Domenico Giardini (ETHZ)
10:20 Energy Strategy 2050: Perspectives and Policies Anne-Kathrin Faust (SFOE)
10:40 Joint Activity Scenarios & Modelling: Approach and first results The JASM team
12:00 Lunch
13:30 Seasonal Heat Storage: the Underestimated Pillar of our Future Energy System Stefan Brändle (Amstein + Walthert AG)
13:50 Alpiq - Energy with a future Olivier Chène (Alpiq)
14:10 Integrated Energy System Modelling (Nexus) - Need for scenario inputs and data Christian Schaffner (ESC)
14:30 National and Local Pathways of the Energy Transition Ndaona Chokani (ETHZ)
14:50 Heat scenarios in Geneva by 2035: which role can geothermal energy play? Loic Quiquerez (SIG)
15:10 Seeing beyond total system cost: Welfare effects of technology-based climate policies in liberalized electricity markets Frank Vöhringer (econability)
15:30Panel discussion: How can scenario modelling support the energy transition? T. Kober, A.-K. Faust, O. Chène, Ch. Schaffner, N. Chokani, F. Vöhringer, D. Giardini, L. Quiquerez
17:00 End of meeting & Apero
20th of March, 2018
Hotel Arte, Olten
Main model results from the Reference Climate Scenario
31st of October, 2017
Updates from the modelling teams and presentation of the JASM reference climate scenario
Data Management Workshop
28th of September, 2017
University of Basel
Workshop to discuss data management and the JASM data platform
Kick off meeting
29th of May, 2017
Place: Kloster Kappeln
JASM kick off meeting
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