- Class:
- Analytical approach: Bottom-up
- Purpose:
- Methodology: Simulation
- Deterministic
- Regions: Switzerland
- Sectors: Fuel/Heat and electricity
- Demand sectors:
- Generation technologies:
- Energy carriers:
- Static
- Time horizon: 2010
- Time resolution:
- Developer: Unigeneva
- Contact: Martin Patel
- Documentation:
Model of the Swiss Residential Sector
A bottom-up simulation model is being prepared on the use of fuel/heat and electricity in the Swiss residential sector. So far, the development focusses on thermal energy use for space heat and hot water. The model is composed of three parts, i.e. i) quantitative description of the existing residential building stock, ii) preparation of an inventory of energy efficiency measures and iii) simulation of future energy use depending on the boundary conditions. Within the first part (i), the residential building stock is characterized in terms of single versus multi-family dwellings, construction periods, envelope factor and floor area. The total external surface is broken down into external walls, windows, roofs and ground area. By accounting for representative insulation values of each of these components, the energy demand of the dwellings per construction period can be reconstructed. This part of the model has been finalized while work is ongoing on the subsequent two parts (ii and iii).
Model inputs
- Physical data on the residential sector per canton (from a variety of sources)
- Physical data and cost data of partially implemented and of novel energy efficiency measures
- Exogenous data on the future development of floor space
Model outputs
- Final energy demand (per year) per building type and age group
- Costs (investment, energy costs and other costs)
- Scenario projections