Papers and reports


  • Gupta R., F. Sossan and M. Paolone (2021). Countrywide PV hosting capacity and energy storage requirements for distribution networks: The case of Switzerland. Applied Energy 281, 116010. Doi: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2020.116010
  • Streicher, K., M. Berger, E. Panos, K. Narula, M. Soini, M. Patel (2021). Explorative scenario-analysis of deep energy retrofit pathways: indicator-based optimization considering climate change and dynamic building stock development. Under review in Energy Economics
  • 2020

    • Streicher, K., S. Mennel, J. Chambers, D. Parra and M. Patel (2020). Cost-effectiveness of large-scale deep energy retrofit packages for residential buildings under different economic assessment approaches. Energy and Buildings 215, 109870. Doi: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2020.109870


    • Bauer, C., B. Cox, T. Heck and X. Zhang (2019). Potentials, costs and environmental assessment of electricity generation technologies - An update of electricity generation costs and potentials. BFE report.
    • Schmidt, T., M. Beuse, Z. Xiaojin, B. Steffen, S. Schneider, A. Pena-Bello, C. Bauer and D. Parra (2019). Additional emissions and cost from storing electricity in stationary battery systems. Environ. Sci. Technol, just accepted. Doi: 10.1021/acs.est.8b05313
    • Streicher, K., Padey, P., Parra, D., Bürer, M. C., Schneider, S., & Patel, M. K. (2019). Analysis of space heating demand in the Swiss residential building stock: Element-based bottom-up model of archetype buildings. Energy and Buildings, 184, 300-322. Doi: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2018.12.011
    • Terlouw, T. , T. AlSkaif, C. Bauer and W. van Sark (2019). Multi-objective optimization of energy arbitrage in community energy storage systems using different battery technologies. Applied Energy 239, 356-372. Doi: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2019.01.227
    • Yilmaz, S., D. Majcen, M. Heidari, J. Mahmoodi, T. Brosch, M.K. Patel (2019). Analysis of the impact of energy efficiency labelling and potential changes on electricity demand reduction of white goods using a stock model: The case of Switzerland. Applied Energy 239, 117-132. Doi: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2019.01.137


    • Cox. B. and C.L. Mutel (2018). The environmental and cost performance of current and future motorcycles. Applied Energy 212, 1013-1024 . Doi: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2017.12.100
    • Panos, E., Kannan, R. (2018). Challenges and Opportunities for the Swiss Energy System in Meeting Stringent Climate Mitigation Targets, In Giannakidis G., K. Karlsson, M. Labriet, B. Ò Gallachóir (eds.) Limiting Global Warming to Well Below 2°C. Energy System Modelling and Policy Development, p. 155-172. Doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-74424-7_10
    • Pfenninger, S., Hirth, L., Schlecht, I., Schmid, E., Wiese, F., Brown, T., ... Wingenbach, C. (2018). Opening the black box of energy modelling: Strategies and lessons learned. Energy Strategy Reviews, 19, 63-71. Doi: 10.1016/j.esr.2017.12.002
    • Savelsberg, J., Schillinger, M., Schlecht, I., & Weigt, H. (2018). The Impact of Climate Change on Swiss Hydropower. Sustainability, 10(7), 2541. Doi: 10.3390/su10072541
    • Streicher, K., P. Padey, D. Parra, M.C. B ürer, M.K. Patel (2018). Assessment of the current thermal performance level of the Swiss residential building stock: statistical analysis of energy performance certificates. Energy and Buildings, 178, 360-378. Doi: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2018.08.032
    • Vandepaer L., J. Cloutier , C. Bauer and B. Amor (2018). Integrating Batteries in the Future Swiss Electricity Supply System: A Consequential Environmental Assessment. Journal of Industrial Ecology. Doi: 10.1111/jiec.12774
    • Zuberi, J. and M.Patel (2018). Cost-effectiveness analysis of energy efficiency measures in the Swiss chemical and pharmaceutical industry. International Journal of Energy Research 43, 313-336. Doi: 10.1002/er.4267


    • Zuberi, J. and M.Patel (2017). Bottom-up analysis of energy efficiency improvement and CO2 emission reduction potentials in the Swiss cement industry. Journal of Cleaner Production 142, Part 4, 4294-4309. Doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2016.11.178
    • Zuberi, J., A. Tijdink and M.Patel (2017). Techno-economic analysis of energy efficiency improvement in electric motor driven systems in Swiss industry. Applied Energy 205, 85-104. Doi: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2017.07.121
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