About JASM
The Joint Activity Scenarios and Modelling (JASM) aims at providing a set of robust scenarios for the realization of the Swiss Energy Strategy 2050. The modeling groups of the 8 Swiss Competence Centers for Energy Research (SCCER) work together and bring in their respective experience in the field of electricity generation technologies, buildings, mobility, industry, grids, biomass, storage and economy:
BIOSWEET contribution focuses on the integration of biomass resources in the scenarios of the energy transition, especially investigating the role of biomass in the energy system considering the industrial heat, electricity and raw materials integration with advanced district heating or decentralized solutions, seasonal storage and the use as fuel for mobility.
FURIES contribution focuses on analyzing how to balance hourly and season variability in the power grid, by modelling aggregated/heterogeneous resources of the power grid at different granularities (from transmission to distribution) and at different time scales (seconds to years).
HaE defines the role and the requirements of storage for the Swiss Energy Strategy 2050. To this end, HaE models energy systems and the value proposition of storage for those systems at high temporal resolution (≤1hour) and at various geographical scales, i.e. national, regional and local.